September 11, 2021

Book Of Acts- Being Planted in the Word of God

Service Type:

Pastor Jonathan released prophetic word he believes the Lord is about to do:

We have gone through a hard season.
As a body of Christ, we are being prepared to enter a season of the miraculous, signs and wonders.
(Psalm 77:14, Exodus 14:1)————————————————

Acts 12, 13, 14 & 15

There was a shift in the history of the church. Peter was in prison but constant prayer was offered for him. (Acts 12:5).

We have authority in our prayers. There was a move of God but also opposition. There is always opposition against the move of God in the form of the political and religious spirit.

Peter went on missions and the church in Antioch started to grow. There was even an intense discussion about the Gentiles keeping the Law or not at all, which finally led to a decision that Gentiles should follow grace and not the Law.

The church in all these instances and throughout these chapters was focused on the presence, the Word, community and preaching the Gospel.

Acts 11-12
The church that focuses on the Word. The church that relied on the Word of God always grew.

Peter’s life was led by the Word. We need to be planted in the Word of God.

King Josiah in the Old Testament cried out for that which was missing, which was the Word of God. Responding to the Word of God brought a change, repentance and revival to the land.

God is releasing a modern day revival through the Word of God. We need to prepare our hearts for the revival to come.

In the Jewish culture, a Rabbi and a disciple have an intimate relationship that transforms the disciple, with the disciple devoting himself to and becoming just like the Rabbi.

Jesus is the greatest Rabbi and we are called to be imitators of Christ and Kingdom students. It’s about the work the Lord wants to do in our hearts through the Word.

The preparation of the heart to see revival:

Mark 4: 3-8, 14-20

We are called to produce much more in this season in the soil of our hearts.

The condition of our hearts needs to be receptive to the Word of the Lord. There is a huge need to get into the Word of God. If we don’t get into the Word of God, we will unintentionally get discipled by the world and become shallow disciples.

The hardened heart doesn’t receive the Word of God. God is looking for a soft heart that celebrates the move of God.

We can’t be shallow in the Lord and must go deep with Him so that we can stand in time of tribulations and be unshakable. This depth doesn’t come in a rush. Roots and being grounded in Jesus requires the art of being still before God. Being in the Word of God recalibrates our emotions to His.

Consistency and passion in the Word is key to going into the next season. We look for heart transformation as we go deep with the Word and the Holy Spirit. Look for Jesus in the Word.

Distraction, worries and anxiety can rob of us what the Word of God wants to do. Let us not lose the wonder of sitting with the Word of the Lord. We need to follow the Word and Spirit of the Lord.

We need to ground ourselves in the Word of God. God wants to make history with us in the Word with revelation. It doesn’t happen in a rush and is a process. Stay and dig deep with the Word. Read it in community, read it with the Spirit. Be discipled by the Word of God and if not, end up being discipled by the world. (Matt 4:4)

Submit yourself to the Word of God.

The church that focuses on community.

The power of God is released through deep friendship, covenant relationships, community and the Word, praying and fighting for one another.

No community is perfect but we are joined together by the blood of Jesus. Let us come together in unity and become a Book of Acts kind of church.