Who is Jesus?
When we hear about God, we like to ask many questions; “Is God real?” “Is what we know about Him really true?” and “What does He have to do with my life?” to list just a few.
The Bible may not answer every question about God – and could even lead us to ask more – but one of the areas the Bible is quite definite is the answer to the question: who is Jesus?
Who is Jesus?
When we hear about God, we like to ask many questions; “Is God real?” “Is what we know about Him really true?” and “What does He have to do with my life?” to list just a few.
The Bible may not answer every question about God – and could even lead us to ask more – but one of the areas the Bible is quite definite is the answer to the question: who is Jesus?
Jesus commends the Apostle Peter’s confession of Him as “the Messiah, the Son of the Living God” (Matthew 16:16), because Jesus knew that who He is – and could be to us – has the power to change our lives. Jesus is so unique because two worlds collide in him: heaven and earth, the divine and the human. And the best part is, He can, and wants to be our friend! He desires a relationship with us. How cool is that!
Name above all Names
Yes, Jesus’ name is the name above all names, and His miracle-working power is second to none. Yet, He is also the personal friend who knows what we are going through and cares about us. That’s why He is also known as “Immanuel”, God with us.

Name above all Names
Yes, Jesus’ name is the name above all names, and His miracle-working power is second to none. Yet, He is also the personal friend who knows what we are going through and cares about us. That’s why He is also known as “Immanuel”, God with us.

Jesus Loves You!
Does he love and care for you?
Yes, definitely!
How do we know this?
Often we tend to label ourselves unworthy of God’s love because of our past, our weaknesses and our wrongdoings. We are separated from God because of sin, and we can never make up for sin by good works and self-improvement.
So how do we accept what we have not earned? The Bible says in Romans that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. And to embrace God’s love is to trust His gracious, loving, and forgiving attitude towards us. Only He has the authority to free us from shame, guilt and condemnation, to give us life more abundantly. All we have to do is surrender to Him.
Jesus Loves You!
Does he love and care for you?
Yes, definitely!
How do we know this?
Often we tend to label ourselves unworthy of God’s love because of our past, our weaknesses and our wrongdoings. We are separated from God because of sin, and we can never make up for sin by good works and self-improvement.
So how do we accept what we have not earned? The Bible says in Romans that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. And to embrace God’s love is to trust His gracious, loving, and forgiving attitude towards us. Only He has the authority to free us from shame, guilt and condemnation, to give us life more abundantly. All we have to do is surrender to Him.
38 So now I live with the confidence that there is nothing in the universe with the power to separate us from God’s love. I’m convinced that his love will triumph over death, life’s troubles, fallen angels, or dark rulers in the heavens. There is nothing in our present or future circumstances that can weaken his love. 39 There is no power above us or beneath us—no power that could ever be found in the universe that can distance us from God’s passionate love, which is lavished upon us through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One!
Romans 8: 38-39 TPT
John 10:10- A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—
A Fresh Start
To be saved, or to be born again, is to surrender all to God, accepting His plan and purpose for your life. It is turning over a new leaf from our old ways and turning to Jesus to ask him for forgiveness from sins and to give us new life in Him.
In the bible it says that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Salvation is free and it is God’s gift to his sons and daughters.
It is an empowerment to live life wholly and freely with a purpose and that purpose is portraying Christ to the people around us by the lifestyle of freedom we now live.
If you are unsure whether you are right with God or you know in fact that you need Jesus in your life, you can choose to follow Him by praying a prayer of surrender to Jesus.
Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I have done wrong by not living with You. I am sorry and I trust that you will forgive me. I now ask that you become my personal Lord and Savior and I accept Your love and grace for me. I give you control and ask that you rule and reign in my heart, that your perfect will for my life may be accomplished. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Congratulations! Praying this prayer with a fully surrendered heart is the first step on this exciting journey with Jesus