July 15, 2018

Born Again to Reproduce

Passage: Genesis 1:21, 22, 27, 28; Acts6:7
Service Type:

The very first command from God to man was to be fruitful and multiply. He created them in His image and to reproduce His image through them.

We are little ‘gods’ or ‘Jesus’ made in His image to reproduce that image. They had children but wickedness abounded and God started again with the destruction of man by the flood.

God is always the God of the second chance and even more so. So God saved Noah and his family who were righteous. Through Noah and His family they bore children again.

This is in the natural. But what about the spiritual?

John 1:12- when we are born again into the family of Christ, we are born of God. He wants us to reproduce the same kind by bringing others into a born again experience and bring them into the Kingdom.

All the more with the second coming of the Lord, we must reproduce and bring the harvest in. We are born again to reproduce, bringing others in the Kingdom.

1. In the natural, a couple without union cannot reproduce. In the spiritual we are to have union by abiding in Christ to reproduce. If we consistently and continually abide in Christ, we automatically become reproducers (John 15:5)

2. Another reason in the natural that reproduction doesn’t happen is immaturity. As children cannot have union or raise children, we are sometimes unaware of how to be growing to be reproducer. As we grow in Christ, we become more mature to reproduce. We all need to God personally, spiritually and share that with others. We still will have problems but with Jesus, He helps us through the problems. We need to walk through the journey with new believers through discipleship and have them become reproducers, being responsible for their growth.(Matthew 28: 19-20)
3. We have a spiritual purpose that is more important than our natural purpose. Our whole plan and purpose is on the day to day things. More than routines and the day to day, we have a higher purpose to abide and reproduce. We cannot have a lack of spiritual desire and hunger for His abiding presence and to know Him and have a victorious life
4. Fear of man also hinders us. We have a fear of repercussions and rejection in telling others about Jesus. Yet we are obeying God. When anointing comes, we speak to others and have an opportunity to share Jesus.
5. Our daily life routines also can stop up from sharing Christ. If our priorities are correct, we will make room for it and do it. Being reproducers of Christ is our life priority.

(Matthew 4: 18-22, Matthew 10:1)- Jesus had the purpose and came to be a reproducer of Himself before going back to heaven. Jesus never lost sight of this.

Today we are reproduces of Jesus, being reproducers from one generation to the next. Who will take this responsibility to reproduce seriously?

Genesis 1: 21, 27-28, Genesis 8:17
Genesis 9: 1, 7
- These verses again and again show us His purpose for us to reproduce. Always He created, blessing it and then calling us to reproduce.

- From generation to generation He has given us all Spiritual blessings and it’s ours through Christ. If we are blessed, He only asks that we reproduce Him and bring others to Him.

This is the call from then and till now and today. Will we hear His voice and have a desire to share and reproduce Him?