Looking Unto Jesus, The Author and Finisher of Our Faith
John introduces Jesus (John 1:29) as the One who takes away our sin. Sins are forgiven but occasionally our flesh wars against us. Having our sins forgiveness of sim isn’t alone enough to live and effective and powerful Christian life.
Matthew 3: 11 introduces the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire.
Purpose of the message:
To look to Jesus as our baptizer with the Holy Spirit.
As Jesus was preparing for ascension after His resurrection, He told His disciples His job was not done yet. He reminds them in Luke 24:49 about waiting for the clothing of power by the Holy Spirit.
In Acts 1:8 mentions that this power would empower them (Pentecost) to become His witnesses
Acts 2: 1-4 was the day of Pentecost where they were baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire and started to speak in tongues.
We are now waiting for a 3rd Pentecost.
Speaking in tongues is more than…
1. The evidence of baptism by the Holy Spirit
2. A one time experience
Tongues (whether sung, spoken, prayed) reveals the rich wisdom of God and brings the knowledge and counsel of God. It brings the power of God.
Tongues are the means by which the Holy Spirit wants to overflow in our lives
5 Ways that praying in tongues will change our lives forever:
Speaking in tongues:
1. Gives us a supernatural understanding of His prophetic mysteries for our lives. (1 Corinthians 14:2, 1 Corinthians 2: 9-10, Romans 8: 14)
2. Grants us access to other revelatory gifts for effective Christian living, warfare and ministry etc.( 1 Corinthians 12: 8-10)
3. Opens the Bible in a new and living way (John 16: 13, Psalm 119: 18)
4. Grants you direct access to God ( Hebrew 4: 16, Isaiah 28: 11-12)
5. Empowers you in spiritual warfare from a place of victory