Lord, Give Me Wisdom To Know My Days in 2021
Romans 8: 28-29 is a universal promise for every Christian. All things work together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
No matter what anxieties and uncertainties we face, this universal promise is for every believer to keep us in His perfect plan. This is our predestination in Christ.
The days of God are always filled with the time and season of God, which put together become the purpose of God for us.
Psalms 90: 10-12
The key verse is the last verse. It tells us to number (to call forth, know, understand, discern) our days and gain a heart of wisdom. Wisdom is the instruction of God
Purpose of the message:
That we would not misunderstand the days of our lives in 2021 and delay, cut off or even abort the plan of God for our lives.
(Psalms 31:15)
When we miss the days that God has for us or misunderstand them, we sometimes delay the plan of God and may even play into the hands of the enemy.
God allowed the enemy to afflict Job to test His integrity and faithfulness, not to destroy him. Job 2:9 shows that Job’s wife misunderstood the intention of God when she asked him to curse God.
We sometimes get angry and upset with God and compare ourselves with others when we don’t understand His intentions.(Psalm 73:2)
We undermine the work of God because we don’t understand the days of our lives.
Job 2:10 is where he rebukes his wife for asking Him to curse God.
God creates our days. He also sometimes allows disappointments and adversities but puts them all together to work out a better plan for our lives.
Another guy who misunderstood God was Peter. Peter answered the call of Jesus. (Matthew 4:19). Peter in following Jesus had many losses and was deprived of many things where others prospered.
In Mark 10:28-31 reveals Peter’s misunderstanding of the call of God and was wondering what the point of it all was.
Jesus then says all who have left behind and lost everything for His sake will receive back a 100 fold.
Every day in 2021 is meant to be fruitful. Some days will take us through a time of transition of agony, frustration and disappointment but it’s only temporary.
How do we not misunderstand the time and seasons of God in our lives? How can we have wisdom to understand the days that God has for us in 2021?
Romans 8:28 is a universal promise of God for your prophetic journey in year 2021.
3 Powerful Principles to Embrace in 2021 from Romans 8:28:
1. “And we know all things work together for good”: •speaks of the faithfulness of God (1 Thessalonians 5:24) •speaks of the keeping power of God in our lives (Jude 1:24, Philippians 1:6, 2 Timothy 1:12)
2. “to those who love Him”: this is the glue that holds us to the original plan of God for us and where He causes everything to work together; a supernatural life changing love of God. We have to decide if we love the world or love God; renewing of the first love for God. (1 John 2:15-17, Revelations 2: 1-7, Psalms 63: 1-3, 1 Corinthians 2:9)
3. “to those who are called according to His purpose”: we are God’s purpose driven people. God is at work in us no matter what we go through (Philippians 2:13). Even when nothing seems to be happening, God is still at work in us. (John 15:16, 1 Peter 2:9)
There will be days in 2021 which will be good or bad. Our days are filled with two natures:
1. Mountaintop days: we are excited, we have testimonies etc. We praise God in these days (Psalms 100:4, Psalms 22:3). God draws closer to us.
2. Valley days: the low days, the hard days, the bad days etc
Both days are created by God. The devil cannot create days, only lies. (Psalm 118: 24).
To rejoice is a choice. On the mountain we rejoice with praise and worship. When we go through the valley we rejoice in hope.(Romans 12:12) In the valley we draw closer to God.
A matured Christian has a right attitude towards both the natures of the day. (Psalm 40: 1-3)
On the mountain top, we experience God. But in the valley, we know God.
May God fill you wisdom to handle each day.