April 18, 2021

The Elements of Faith: The Survival of Your Faith

Service Type:

There is going to a season of expansion and growth, even during this pandemic, both in church and for individuals.

The most used word in this season will be “the glory of God”

| 1 Kings 18: 1–2, 19, 30, 41-45 |

It was not a good moment for Elijah in this Scripture as God hadn’t sent rain to the land. The people had turned away to worshiping Baal and God wasn’t pleased and as a result, there was a drought.

The other negative situation was that Jezebel was killing the prophets and the righteous people of God. The spirit of Jezebel, Ahab and Baal still run rampant even in our world, church and situations to silence the move of God.

The good news is that we have a greater Spirit known as the Holy Spirit; greater than all these other spirits.

Elements to keep faith alive:

1. The first challenge is to rebuild the altar of God. (1 Kings 18:30). How can the fire fall if there is no altar? We cannot forsake our altar with God. What kind of altar are we building today?

Build an altar of consecration. (Joshua 3:5)
Build an altar of praise (Psalm 100:4)
There are seven altars we can build to God (Ps Rajan)

As we are serious in building an altar to God, He will meet with us.

Elijah built an altar and defeated the false prophet of Baal

Some of us are sitting alone and building an altar stone by stone. As we remain faithful in the building, God will show up with a breakthrough that will show up in our lives and in the sight of our enemies.

The Lord Himself will raise you up. (Deuteronomy 28:13)

2. Hear the voice of God (1 Kings 18:41). Elijah heard the sound of abundant rain, though there was no evidence. Can you believe it and receive your breakthrough before seeing it? (Hebrews 11:1) We can be going through difficult circumstances yet could we believe for what is unseen? (Philippians ? , 1 Corinthians 15:57)

3. Shut out the voices from outside. Stop entertaining the voice of the world, negativity etc and into the voice of God. (1 Kings 18:42) Shut those voices out and pray.

4. Have obedience. The servant ran to check for the clouds without question. We obey and don’t turn back even when we don’t see it.

5. Don’t give up. The seventh time the servant went, the small cloud was there. (1 Kings 18:44) Don’t underestimate the small things that God is doing. Be thankful for the small things God does which leads to the greater things.

6. Put faith in action. (James 2: 17) Faith without action is dead. Put faith into action. Do the little things and obey God and the breakthroughs will come, just like the servant obeyed Elijah.