November 21, 2020

The Most Important Thing In Life

Service Type:

Right now, in this very moment, what is the most important thing in your life?

For each one of us, there is something different that is important to each of us. Yet are these things the most important thing?

What was the most important thing for Jesus?

Matthew 26:37-
* Jesus was in great sorrow in the garden of Gethsemane.
* The anguish of having the Father turning away from Jesus was too severe.
* The relationship between Jesus and the Father was cut off in Jesus taking the cup of suffering and sin, the wrath of God

The most important thing today in this world, regardless of our circumstances, is a relationship with the Father.

This suffering, however, allowed for Jesus to have restoration of relationship with us. This inspired Jesus to continue with the task ahead of Him.

What is the purpose of this relationship?
1. God can reveal Himself to you
2. God will reveal yourself to you

Because of this relationship, the victim becomes a victor.

Who you are, what you can do, where you can go in life is not defined or discovered by anyone but in our relationship with Jesus.

Things may look good in doing them for a various reason such as career progress and postions etc. But is it good for us personally?

Having “God” is all about religion. Having the Lord is all about relationship. Is He our “God” or our Lord?

Only a personal relationship with Jesus will make Him Lord of our lives.

Is Jesus the beginning and the end of all that we do? When He is part of our lives, the methodology of how we live our lives changes.

The relationship with God made:
* the Israelites bring the walls of Jericho down
* Joseph become a ruler in Egypt
* Moses became deliverer
* Esther a queen
* Daniel stand amidst lions
* Gideon become brave
* Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego stand in the fire

Whatever we are facing, it is only a personal relationship with Jesus that will bring a change in our lives; when He is Lord of our lives.