February 13, 2021

The Widow and Her Jar of Oil

Passage: 2 Kings 4: 1-7
Service Type:

We are going to study and expound on this passage and bring points out from this passage.

Elisha was key in this story to performing a miracle for the woman who lost her husband and had creditors coming for her sons to be taken away as slaves.

1. Whenever you are in need, you should run to God (Psalm 121: 1-3)
The woman lost her husband
Some of us have lost a passion, a job, joy, peace, experienced a loss and have an overwhelming feeling of great pain etc

Elisha is a picture of Jesus Christ and the woman is a picture of you and I. The woman ran to find the man of God in the Old Testament in her time of trouble.

We should run to God in our time of trouble. The presence of God is always with and in us.

2. The husband who died (Obadiah) was a servant and a good man of God, under Elisha’s leadership.

We often ask why do bad things happen to good people? However, those who have served God and invested in the body of Christ will not be forgotten. (Hebrews 6:10) The blessings are passed down to the next generation and the children.

3. Elisha asked what was in the woman’s house and asked her what he should do for her. Jesus is asking us now what he should do for us. Let’s be specific in what we’re asking God for. We also feel like we have nothing. But there is something that we can still give to God. It’s not about what you have lost but what we have; and be thankful for it. What we’re counting out God is counting on. The gateway to our blessing is something you already have, not something you are about to receive. To receive our breakthrough, we need to come with an attitude of thanksgiving (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

4. Elisha asked the woman to go and borrow empty vessels. Faith has to involve actions. (James 2:17). The woman went out to get vessels. God values emptiness, just like the empty vessels the woman was gathering. God creates something out of our emptiness (Genesis 1:2)

5. The woman began to pour out the little oil to fill the vessels. As she began to pour, the oil did not run out and every vessel became full. When thankful and pouring out what we have, God can multiply it. Faith doesn’t make sense.

6. God will provide a way out for you. God is the source of all our provision. God provided for the woman and her family. God will take care of our needs.