Make Room For Jesus
We are the church of God. We are not contained to the four walls of the church.
When the second MCO was announced, it was a heavy feeling for many. In the middle of this, there is a word of comfort for His people.
Psalms 121: 1-8
When world is going through a trial and pandemic, is God still in the midst of us? The Word of the Lord will never fail.
When He says He is with us, He watches over us and protects us and keeps His Word. That we would look to Jesus rather than the problems of this world.
The moment when we allow God to intervene, the peace that passes all understanding will come. The situation around me may not change but the situation within us changes. (Philippians 4:6)
The peace of God is the presence of God residing within us.
The peace of God guards us (John 16:33).
The closest One to you is the Lord Himself who surrounds us.
Make room for Him. More than anything, are we making room for God in the midst of our activity, busyness, uncertainty and anxiousness. Are we making room for Jesus?
Jesus took time to be with the Father.(Mark 1:35) How much more us with Jesus?
Luke 10: 38-42 tells the story of Mary and Martha. Martha invited Jesus into the house. Martha was busy with much preparation. She complains about her sister not helping her. Jesus approved of Mary sitting at His feet.
It was Mary who invited Jesus into her heart. There is a difference between inviting Jesus to our house and inviting Him into our hearts.
The key thing to learn is to lean into Jesus, sit at His feet and listen to Him. Jesus calls this the most important thing.
Important vs urgent:
There are many urgent things but the important thing is to prioritize Jesus.
God longs to spend time with us. It is time for a return to our first love. Take time and make room for Jesus, to encounter Him.
Good, normal or bad.
Hot, lukewarm and cold.
Making room for Jesus is also in 3 categories.
Are we absolutely surrendered to God, partially surrendered to God or have no connection to God?
The woman with the alabaster jar (Mark 14: 3) is a familiar story. We want to be like her and pour our every drop of oil on Jesus.
Note that she broke the jar, not simply pouring out the contents of the jar. Even the flask was precious to her. The woman wanted to show that she was giving everything to Jesus.
Maybe God is wanting to break certain things in us so that God has all of us.
Can we make room for Jesus to give our 100% to the Lord?
Spending time with Jesus is not about duration, it’s about our heart’s intention. God is looking for dwellers to be in His presence. To be in relationship with Jesus.
Spending time with the Lord will lead to encounters and breakthroughs with Him that we have never seen before. (Jeremiah 33:3, Psalm 145:18)
Some keys to making room for Jesus:
1. Be intentional in setting a time and space to be with Jesus (Matthew 6:6)
2. Set your priorities right
3. Lean in, listen hard, be undistracted.
Can we start making room for Jesus?