Purposeful Giving
Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything else will be added to us. Therefore we should not be worried and our hearts be troubled.
One of the dynamic things of Kingdom is giving. Giving covers not just our finances but the entire spectrum of our Christian walk and lives.
When we do charitable deeds, we do it in secret. (Matthew 6: 3-4)
In any form of giving we do, Jesus says in Luke 6:38 that what we give will be given back to us.
Purpose of the message:
God’s plan for our giving a purposeful giving. Purposeful giving is intentional (2 Corinthians 9:7)
If we’re not intentional, it will not bring cheerfulness in our hearts.
1 Kings 17:11-13, 1 King 17: 15-16)
* tells the story of a widow who, by God’s design, had her needs met when she gave to the needs of the prophet Elijah.
* In spite of her situation, she made the small cake for Elijah in obedience
* Her needs were met abundantly by God
Two dynamics of purposeful giving
1. Purposeful giving is done out of obedience. When you major in obedience, you abound in the blessings of God. (Matthew 6:33, Deuternomy 28:1-2)
2. Purposeful giving is done out of willing obedience. (Isaiah 1:19)
When you purposefully give to God, it is not about the amount but your attitude of the heart. (Romans 12:8)
The result of willing obedience for the widow (1 King 17: 15-16) is that they became a majority in their blessings. They ate for many days and their provision did not run dry.
God is able to make all grace abound towards you and have an abundance for every good work. (2 Corinthians 9:8)