Rejoice Greatly Because We Understand The Promises of God
Nehemiah 8: 9-10, 12, Proverbs 17:22, Zephaniah 3:17
In Nehemiah addressing the people, he told the people to rejoice because they understood the Word and promises of God.
In this time and season of pandemic, it can be hard to rejoice.
John 15:11 reminds us that His joy can remain in us, full and overflowing even in these difficult times.
What is the joy of the Lord? It is the excitement, delight and rejoicing of the Lord over us when we walk fully pleasing to Him. (Isaiah 40:31)
We have one reason to rejoice because we are in the Lord.
Purpose of message:
That we would endure this difficult time with a new season of joy, by faith. Rejoice because the better days are ahead. The joy of the Lord of our strength. (Romans 12:12)
John 15:11~
The thing that Jesus has spoken to us refers to three things as a connector to His joy in all our situations (Zephaniah 3:17)
The problem is that many of us don’t want to rejoice because we are given to temporal happiness that is easily shaken.
True joy isn’t bound by temporal things but is above all circumstances. This is the new season that is dawning on the people of God.
Psalm 100: 1-2 speaks of making a joyful noise and rejoicing in Him.
John 15: 5-7
Galatians 2:20 abide and remain in Him, in His Word.
Those who love Jesus obey Him and the Father will love them and make Himself manifest to them. (John 14:21)
Abide in His love. He loved us even in our messes (1 John 4:19)
He lost His joy and was wounded for us so we could be restored and completely healed.(Isaiah 53:5)
How do we remain in His joy?
Psalm 51:12 speaks of God restoring the joy of our salvation.
Joy is a choice. Pick up anything that triggers joy. It is a choice to rejoice or live in regret.
1. Make a faith decision to rejoice (Habakkuk 3: 17-19)
2. Make up your mind to rejoice (Philippians 4:4)
3. Make a breakthrough decision to maintain a lifestyle of rejoicing (1 Thessalonians 5: 16-17)