Rest In His Covenant With You
Loving a person or life partner is not accidental but intentional. Marriage is covenant.
A contract is an agreement, based on performance. A covenant is a commitment till the day we die, irrevocable.
Even as we go into this new season and new day, we cannot do it with the old mindset. We need to embrace a new mindset.
Because of what Jesus has done, we are in a covenantal relationship with Him.
Sometimes our comfort zone can become our danger zone and we don’t step out into the new thing God is doing. In order to step out, risk is required.
We can be in step with what God is doing and trusting the Word of God rather than the fears and circumstances of this world.
How do we know if have succumbed to the ways of the world?
We pay more attention to the news of the world rather than the presence and Word of God. We become distracted. Take control of our thoughts and re-focus on Jesus (Ephesians 4:23)
We are all one in Christ. The Bible call us co-heirs with Christ. It’s time for us to re-focus on His presence. We need to put on Christ. (Galatians 3: 26-27)
God wants us to step into this new season with His new covenant. We need to start living like we are sons and daughters of God. (Galatians 4:4-7)
What do we do in these perilous times? We hold on to the promises of God (Isaiah 54:10, John 16:33)
Once you know the Living Word, your perception on your impossible situations changes; you become the possible in the impossible situations.
The enemy wants to steal our identity. Stand firm in Christ and in your identity. We need to know our position in Christ. (Deuteronomy 31:8)
Keep the main thing the main thing. Make Christ the main thing. When we set our priorities right, they will set you right in life. (Matthew 6:33)
In this new season, God has given a new covenant, a new mindset, a new wineskin etc (Hebrews 4:10-11)
We need to rest in Christ. Rest requires us to yield to the power of the Holy Spirit and His will being done.
Let’s make a fresh commitment to make Jesus the main thing and rest in His covenant with us.