July 15, 2018

Stay on Fire (The Anointing)

Passage: 1 Samuel 9:19-20
Service Type:

Bible Text: 1 Samuel 9:19-20 | Preacher: Sebastian

Anointing is very important. Are we still on fire for God?

As a child of God, it’s very important to have anointing. How do we walk in and receive this anointing?

Even in the Old Testament everything from pillars, to places to people and sheep would be anointed. Anointing is sign of protection.

What is anointing?
* Hebrew = CHRIST
* To smear or rub with oil
* People were anointed with oil to signify God’s blessing or call on that person’s life

Whatever ministry we are in, it must be anointed. Talent is not the same anointing. With anointing you can minister the power of God.

Without anointing you will move on one level. With anointing we will move at another level. Are you on fire for God?

Anointing also changes information to revelation. Anointing can break yokes, bondages, cause breakthrough and changes lives.

Anointing is the power of God.

The anointing of the Holy Spirit is the overflow of the Divine life of God through you. In all times and seasons of life, the Spirit will come on you.

Satan hates anointing. Talent and skill are not a threat. An anointed person causes satan to be afraid of us and to tremble.

Along the way, we can all become dry. That’s why it’s very important and an important process daily to renew the fire in us.

In the text, Samuel the seer asked Saul to eat with him. Samuel was to tell Saul all that was in his heart the next day, even perceived the problems of the donkey that day. (1 Samuel 9: 19-21).

Saul’s mind was on the lost donkeys. But there was a dream in his heart. Some of us are looking for the donkeys which mean nothing to our lives. Saul had a dream and vision in his heart. Before he went astray, Saul had a destiny.

Some of us have a dream in our hearts but we have donkeys in our minds. Whatever dream inside of you is a God given dream if it challenges us. We can feel disqualified or even overwhelmed but it is a dream from God.

The donkeys are the small things and circumstances that can try to distract us from our destiny. Don’t give up on your dream.

Without the anointing, our calling is dangerous, with the anointing you are dangerous.

Anointing can be rubbed on. Being around someone who is anointed will rub off on us. When we associate with more of the things of the anointing, it rubs off on us. We become just like the person we associate with.

When you indulge in the wrong things, you become like the wrong things. When you become open to the right things, we become like the right things.

1 Samuel 10:11:

Saul sitting among the prophets changed him. Saul also began to prophecy due to the association with the prophets.

Who you indulge with will determine your future and destiny.

Jesus was anointed not in the wilderness or even when He fasted. John the Baptist had anointing on him. Jesus asked John to baptize Him.

At that moment the Holy Spirit came upon Him. He became anointed. If you are in Christ, we are one family in Christ as we are also anointed.

Anointing comes by serving. David was sent by Jesse to his brothers in war, who did not regard him highly. David did not go to war but to serve. When you serve, the anointing comes upon you. This was the set up for the battle with Goliath.

Sometimes people will look down on you but do not stop serving. It’s what brings anointing on you. Our anointing brings down victory in our lives. It’s so powerful to serve.

4 Things That Kill Our Fire/Anointing
1. Offense
2. Disappointments
3. Busyness
4. Materialism