February 21, 2021

We Are Salt

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Here is a question: Why are we alive?
Science can define what is alive

Here is another question: Are you living?
Being alive and living are not necessarily the same thing.

So the question is are you alive and living?

Living involves purpose. The purpose of life is to have a purpose.

We are living because we are called to be salt in the earth which has taste. If we don’t have that saltiness, it has catastrophic consequences. (Matthew 5:13)

Salt seems very uninspiring. However, salt in the ancient times had great significance culturally and economically, such as its use in medicine and even being salary.

Salt is also the essential in the functioning of the human body through our sodium levels, which can lead to medical emergencies if not controlled well.
Salt has a role inside and outside of our body.

So why did Jesus call us the salt?
Regardless of our status, stature or circumstances, we are salt.

Jesus says that we are “the salt”. A statement and affirmation, without ambiguity or doubt.

The only way we can have a fulfilling and fruitful life is being “the salt”: having Jesus within me before even my own nature or anything else.

The function of salt? (Luke 14: 33 -35)

1. It is used for the soil (as fertilizer)
2. It is used for the manure (as a disinfectant)

Salt makes good things grow and makes bad things die. 5 % of a certain type of people in a society will have influence and cause change in it. Salt has a significant impact on society and that is what we are called to do.

Most of us have accepted Jesus into our lives. Is there a difference in our lives?

Salt will bring about difference. The question is are we salt in certain areas of our lives but not all or even to society?

Salt is also a preservative. We are here to make sure that the principles of Christ and righteousness and truth are preserved in society and do not decay. We are here to bring glory to God.

Salt also enhances flavour, a taste enhancer. As salt, are we willing to enhance the lives of the people around us? Whose life are you adding flavour to? (Philippians 2:4)

Jesus has empowered us with something in our lives to extract and enhance the good in others’ lives.

God’s blessings is not just for us but also for those who are in need and hurting. To be salt.

As salt we have these attributes:

S aved in Christ
A ttitude that’s right
L ove Jesus
T rust Jesus

We are not salt because of who you are.
We are salt because of who He is in us.

A warning in the Scripture is that salt that looses its’ saltiness should be thrown out.

How does salt lose its’ saltiness? Only one one way. When it is contaminated with impurities.

Where are we in our walk with the Lord in our lives right now? What impurities have we allowed in our lives? Get rid of it. Don’t lose our saltiness.

One day God will ask us two things.
1. How was our walk was with Him?
2. How was our walk with those around us?

The Good News cannot be shared in heaven. We are salt, regardless of where we are in life, for those around us.